Regional policy context

From 2022 to 2032 the way we live, work and co-exist together may change in ways we cannot yet imagine.

We cannot predict how regional policy will develop over the years ahead.

Levelling Up

The Government has published the Levelling Up White Paper, and the Regeneration and Levelling Up Bill passed through Parliament in early 2023.

The Levelling Up White Paper sets an expectation that the devolution deal for York and North Yorkshire will progress, leading to the establishment of a Mayoral Combined Authority.

The proposed York and North Yorkshire devolution deal has been agreed by government and was reviewed by council and a public consultation launched in October 2022.

Devolution in York and North Yorkshire was approved by City of York Council in February 2023, providing greater access to government to access more funding.

By articulating York’s priorities now, York is better placed to identify future opportunities to potentially increase funding.

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