York 2032 has been co-designed with partners. It is the city’s 10 Year Plan and is comprised of a vision for the city, shared priorities and ambitions, and a series of actions city partners have agreed to deliver.
York 2032 foundations are the ambitions and goals set out in the 10 Year city-wide strategies:
Together with 2 other city-wide strategies:
York 2032 is not a fixed plan, it will continue to evolve as the city comes together to agree what we want the future of York to look like. It will be further refined over the months and years ahead.
During 2023, the Local Transport Strategy, the Anti-Racist Strategy, and recommendations from the Poverty Truth Commission will be published. In addition, the Local Plan is currently going through public enquiry and we anticipate it will be adopted in summer 2023. The Local Plan sets out the spatial developments in the city and once adopted York 2032 actions will be updated to reflect the opportunities it presents.
York 2032 has been co-produced by city partners in response to the resident and stakeholder feedback which informed the development of the 10 Year Strategies, together with the evidence base published in the 10 Year Strategies technical annex.
It is comprised of:
- an overarching vision, that York will be a vibrant, prosperous, welcoming and sustainable city, where everyone can share and take pride in its success
- agreed York 2032 Priorities for the decade ahead
- our pledge, which city partners have made to confirm how they will work together over the decade ahead
- our actions, which city partners will work together on. It's anticipated that although the actions might change, the priorities will remain constant
- the strategy and policy framework, showing how action leads to ambition and delivers the vision
This is the starting point, it is not fixed and will continue to evolve as the city comes together to agree what we want the future of York to look like. This sets out how York will respond to challenges, influence strategy, policy and investment decisions and unites the council, institutions and communities through a shared direction and goals.