Our actions
York City Partnership has agreed to focus on a number of actions over the decade ahead:
- Embedding the cultural offer
- Access to a lifetime of skills and learning
- Exploring the tourism offer
- Housing
- Reducing poverty
- Sustainability
- Transport
- 10 Year Strategies actions
In the York 2032 10 Year Plan these actions are listed by priority.
Embedding the cultural offer
York’s ambitious Culture Strategy ensures culture is inclusive, relevant and accessible to everybody in York, including children and young people. It supports residents' health and wellbeing throughout their lives, placing culture at the heart of placemaking, ensuring talent development and retention, and raising York's profile nationally and internationally: as both a city renowned for its heritage and for its cutting-edge, contemporary approach to creativity.
Access to a lifetime of skills and learning
From early years and throughout all life stages, York key anchor institutions and higher education providers offer residents the opportunity to learn the skills to weather economic shocks such as a global pandemic, as well as to thrive and support future sustainable growth and green jobs.
Exploring the tourism offer
Drawing on evidence from Group NAO research and recommendations from across the city to co-design a sustainable Tourism Strategy and action plan that builds resident and visitor pride in York’s unique attributes.
Take a city-wide perspective with key institutions, developers and registered providers confirming commitments, aligning action and co-ordinating opportunities leading to co-designed larger scale action aiming to alleviate pressure on York’s housing stock by understanding where and how to make best use of available and future assets, including the Housing Delivery Programme and those identified in the Local Plan, (because the sum is greater than its parts).
Reducing poverty
We will harness the capacity and capability in the city to tackle the causes of poverty. Recognising poverty and deprivation have direct impacts on health inequalities and economic opportunities, actions will focus on food, fuel, housing, financial inclusion and the resilience of the community sector.
City partners have agreed that sustainability drives what we do, through our actions.
The Draft Local Transport Strategy will be produced by March 2024. In the meantime, a city wide consultation is taking place, including discussions with city partners to confirm their commitment.
10 Year Strategies actions
Each of the strategies has, or is developing, an action plan for the decade ahead.
Find out more about our strategies and action plans.