Policy background

The country is experiencing significant change. We're facing issues not experienced for generations, if at all, such as:

  • difficult international issues
  • emerging from the pandemic
  • the impact of Brexit
  • responding to the war in Ukraine
  • the rising cost of fuel and energy
  • adapting to ever-increasing extreme weather events

Over the decade ahead the way we live, work and coexist together may change in ways we cannot yet imagine.

Now, more than ever, we need to work together to consider how best enhance our way of life, adapting to regional opportunities, learning and building on our response to the pandemic whilst mitigating the ongoing effects of Climate Change to achieve net zero carbon by 2030.

We cannot predict how national or local policy will develop over the years ahead.

The national, regional and local policy context in 2022 is recorded here to show the wider environmental, legal, social, political and technological context in which the strategies will be delivered:

The policy background will be updated as policy changes.

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