Local policy context

From 2022 to 2032 the way we live, work and co-exist together may change in ways we cannot yet imagine.

We cannot predict how local policy will develop over the years ahead.

The Council Plan

The Council Plan, Making History Building Communities, 2019 to 2023, articulates the priorities for the administration and sets out our actions which the council will take to achieve these.

The development of the 10 Year Strategies was informed by actions already being delivered in response to The Council Plan.

The Local Plan

The emerging City of York Local Plan sets out a strategy for the future development of homes, employment, education and community and other infrastructure of York to 2032 to 2033 and provides capacity to meet development needs to 2037 to 2038.

It recognises that in response to extensive resident consultation which informed the Local Plan, there is a requirement for the Planning Authority to preserve York’s unique setting, heritage and character.

It is being developed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and currently in the 4th phase of examination, which will explore individual development policies such as sustainable development.

Local Transport Plan

York’s Local Transport Plan, 2011 to 2031, sets out how the city will configure its transport to meet York’s wider social, economic and environmental objectives, and to efficiently manage the city’s extensive transport asset base, such as roads, cycle tracks, footways and footpaths, park and ride sites, bus infrastructure, streetlights, bridges, highway drains.

City of York Council are developing a York “chapter” of a new Local Transport Plan (LTP). This LTP will respond to new government guidance to be released next year and reflect the proposed change in those transport powers that could, if approved, transfer to the Mayor through devolution. This guidance will ask local transport authorities to set out the transport policies and measures which will contribute to the city’s economic prosperity, whilst meeting challenging national and local targets for reducing emissions.

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