Strategic framework
The 10 Year Plan is comprised of the York 2032 Vision and our York 2032 Priorities, which provide a strategic framework setting out what’s important to drive the city forward.
The York 2032 Vision is that:
York will be a vibrant, prosperous, welcoming and sustainable city, where everyone can share and take pride in its success.
The 10 Year Plan's strategic framework focuses on 3 core areas at the centre of everything we do:
- Economic Growth
- Health and Wellbeing
- Climate Change
These 3 areas capture the things that will make the biggest difference to improving York, and address many of the big challenges we face whilst making the very most of the opportunities we have.
The 10 Year Plan sets our shared vision for the city, priority areas and goals. There are 4 key actions for the years ahead. As these become embedded, new actions will be co-designed. The 10 Year Plan sets a constructive challenge to all of us to join ambition with real intention to drive our collective action.
The council will continue to deliver objectives and actions set out in the Council Plan, that contribute to the 10 Year Plan together with statutory responsibilities.
York 2032 Priorities
To help focus on the outcomes we have brought together city partners to define our 5 York 2032 Priorities to tackle the biggest challenges we face. By working together and focusing on these priorities we will draw on expertise, energy and ambition.
Our York 2032 Priorities are focused on our biggest challenges. The actions that we take will change over time as we find new ways to address these age-old problems.
The priorities overlap and interact, To take just one example, all our priority actions will have an impact on poverty - and the causes of poverty - in York.
Our 5 York 2032 Priorities are:
Health and wellbeing
Our health and wellbeing ambitions
All York residents (young, old and future residents) will enjoy happier, healthier, longer lives, proud of their city and living in homes that meet their needs, able to actively participant in their communities, with access to the right support at the right time.
Our health and wellbeing targets
York’s gap in healthy life expectancy between the richest and poorest communities will have significantly reduced by:
- Reducing anxiety scores and increasing happiness scores by 5%
- Bringing smoking rates down below 5% for all population groups
- Reducing to 15% the proportion of York residents drinking no more than 14 units a week
- Reversing the rise in the number of children and adults living with an unhealthy weight
- Reducing health inequalities in specific groups
- Reducing both the suicide rate and the self-harm rate in the city by 20%
- Improving diagnosis gaps in dementia, diabetes and high blood pressure to above the national average, and detect cancer at an earlier stage
- Reducing sedentary behaviour, so that 4 in every 5 adults in York are physically active
- Reducing the proportion of adults who report feeling lonely from 25% to 20% of our population
Health and wellbeing action plans
Our Health and Wellbeing Action Plan will be delivered with the Health and Wellbeing Board.
City partnership health and wellbeing action
Embedding the cultural offer: York’s ambitious Cultural Strategy 2020 to 2025 ensures culture is inclusive, relevant and accessible to everybody in York, including children and young people. It supports residents' health and wellbeing throughout their lives, placing culture at the heart of placemaking, ensuring talent development and retention, and raising York's profile nationally and internationally as both a city renowned for its heritage and for its cutting-edge, contemporary approach to creativity.
Our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 to 2032 supports our health and wellbeing priorities.
Education and skills
Our education and skills ambitions
All ages will have access to learning throughout their lives to equip them with the skills to succeed commercially and socially, locally and nationally.
Our education and skills targets
York will be among the top 25% local economies for skill levels as measured by percentage of working age population who are qualified to NVQ Level 4 or higher, requiring the proportion with Level 4+ qualifications to remain above 50%. There will be ladders of opportunity for people to move on from precarious, low-skilled and low-paid work.
Education and skills action plans
The Skills Strategy 2020 to 2030 will be delivered with the York Skills Board.
City partnership education and skills action
Access to a lifetime of skills and learning: From early years and throughout all life stages, York key anchor institutions and higher education providers offer residents the opportunity to learn the skills to weather economic shocks such as a global pandemic, as well as to thrive and support future sustainable growth and green jobs.
Our Skills Strategy 2020 to 2030 supports our education and skills priorities.
Economic growth
Our economic growth ambitions
York's economy will be vibrant and inclusive with businesses supported to grow and prosper and talent nurtured, retained and supported. Our economy will be developed to be well balanced with a mix of different sectors providing opportunities for young and old.
Our economic growth targets
York will be among the top 25% of local economies in the UK in terms of productivity, pay and skills. York will be among the top 25% most productive local economies as measured by Gross Value Added per hour worked, requiring a 3.8% increase in productivity. York will be among the top 25% local economies for pay levels, with more varied and diverse employment opportunities and SMEs supported to prosper.
Economic growth action plans:
Our Economic Growth Action Plan delivered with the Economic Partnership.
City partnership economic growth action
Exploring the tourism offer:
Drawing on evidence from Group NAO research and recommendations from across the city to co-design a sustainable Tourism Strategy and action plan that builds resident and visitor pride in York’s unique attributes.
Embedding the cultural offer:
York’s ambitious Cultural Strategy 2020 to 2025 ensures culture is inclusive, relevant and accessible to everybody in York, including children and young people. It supports residents' health and wellbeing throughout their lives, placing culture at the heart of placemaking, ensuring talent development and retention, and raising York's profile nationally and internationally, as both a city renowned for its heritage and for its cutting-edge, contemporary approach to creativity.
The York Economic Strategy 2022 to 2032 supports our economic growth priority.
Our transport ambitions
York's transport networks will be inclusive and sustainable, connecting neighbourhoods and communities.
Our transport targets
York will have a transport plan which enables and promotes modal shift to sustainable transport. It supports the Climate Change, Public Health and Economic Development strategies, and mitigates the transport consequences of the growth of the city.
It will support the equality, health and wellbeing of York’s current and future residents, businesses and visitors and enables inclusive economic development whilst respecting the city’s heritage.
Through the Plan, York will seek to minimise any negative environmental impacts of transport. A key part of the strategy will be supporting measures which reduce the need to travel, as well as those promoting modal shift.
Transport action plans
Local transport plan 4.
City partnership transport action
Actions will be developed with city partners once the Local Transport Strategy has been published.
Our Local Transport Strategy 2022 to 2032 (.pdf) supports our transport priority.
Our sustainability ambitions
York will be carbon neutral and contribute to the regional ambition to be carbon negative, with iconic green spaces to enjoy today and the environment protected for future generations to enjoy.
Our sustainability targets
York will be among the first cities in the UK, and lead the region, to be carbon net zero, with carbon emissions reduced every year.
Sustainability action plans
Our Climate Change Action Plan will be delivered with York Climate Commission and Sustainability Leads Group.
City partnership sustainability action
Sustainability drives what we do.
Our Climate Change Strategy 2022 to 2032 supports our sustainability priority.
In addition to our 5 priorities, we will be focusing on housing and on reducing poverty across the city of York.
Take a city-wide perspective with key institutions, developers and registered providers confirming commitments, aligning action and co-ordinating opportunities leading to co-designed larger scale action aiming to alleviate pressure on York’s housing stock by understanding where and how to make best use of available and future assets, including the Housing Delivery Programme and those identified in the Local Plan, (because the sum is greater than its parts).
Reducing poverty
We will harness the capacity and capability in the city to tackle the causes of poverty. Recognising poverty and deprivation have direct impacts on health inequalities and economic opportunities, actions will focus on food, fuel, housing, financial inclusion and the resilience of the community sector.