York Economic Strategy 2022 to 2032

The York Economic Strategy 2022 to 2032 sets out what we plan to do over the next 10 years to enable our people and our businesses to thrive while playing their full part in meeting our net-zero ambitions.

The York Economic Strategy recognises York as a prosperous, progressive, and sustainable city, giving the highest priority to the wellbeing of its residents, whist protecting the fabric and culture of this world-famous historic city.

York Economic Strategy ambitions:

York's economy will be vibrant and inclusive with businesses supported to grow and prosper and talent nurtured, retained and supported. Our economy will be developed to be well balanced with a mix of different sectors providing opportunities for young and old.

York Economic Strategy targets:

York will be among the top 25% of local economies in the UK in terms of productivity, pay and skills.

York will be among the top 25% most productive local economies as measured by Gross Value Added per hour worked, requiring a 3.8% increase in productivity.

York will be among the top 25% local economies for pay levels, with more varied and diverse employment opportunities and SMEs supported to prosper.

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