Local Transport Strategy 2022 to 2040

York’s Local Transport Strategy 2022 to 2040, "Our journey to be healthier, more sustainable and better connected", sets out our vision to reduce carbon emissions from transport by 71%, and to create a city that is open and accessible to everyone, with affordable and healthy transport wherever anyone lives.

This is our strategy to help guide everyone’s actions and decisions over the decades ahead.

Local Transport Strategy ambitions

1) Support an inclusive, accessible, affordable city.

2) Support delivery of the Climate Change Strategy.

3) Support delivery of the Economic Development Strategy.

4) Improve health and wellbeing through healthy place shaping.

5) Enhance safety and personal security.

6) Improve the local environment by reducing air pollution and noise.

7) Enhance the reliability of the transport system.

8) Protect the city’s heritage and enhance public spaces.

9) Accommodate the envisaged growth of the city in the most sustainable way.

10) Future-proof our city.

Local Transport Strategy targets

To achieve our carbon targets by 2030 we need, by 2030, increase the number of people travelling by bus and train by 50% and double the number of trips taken on foot or by cycle. In the process we need to reduce the number of miles driven by 20% by 2030.

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