York 2032 has been co-produced by partner organisations in York to identify the 5 York 2032 Priorities and inform our actions, which city partners, local communities, and wider city stakeholders will now take to make the York 2032 Vision a reality.
The York 2032 Vision is that:
York will be a vibrant, prosperous, welcoming and sustainable city, where everyone can share and take pride in its success.
The York 2032 vision and 5 priorities have been agreed by partners and will be informed, steered and supported by partnership working throughout the decade ahead.
- City Partnership
- York Climate Commission
- York Economic Partnership
- York Health and Care Partnership
- Active York
- Quality Bus Partnership
- York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership
- Safer York Partnership
City Partnership
The City Partnership comprises leaders of key anchor institutions from across York. It is an informal group that meets regularly to collaborate on projects that will benefit York residents, share news and information and work together on key city-wide projects, such as the city’s response to covid, bidding for Great British Railways HQ and promoting the Purple Flag accreditation.
The City Partnership is not a board and it does not have any voting or formal power; it exists to strengthen relationships and work together on key projects where it makes sense to do so.
City Partnership Membership
The Partnership comprises representatives from:
- Askham Bryan College
- Chambers of Commerce
- City of York Council - Leader, Chief Operating Officer, Policy and Partnership Team
- Humber, Coast and Vale ICS
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Make It York
- National Railway Museum
- North Yorkshire Fire Service
- North Yorkshire Police
- University of York
- York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Trust
- York City Knights
- York Civic Trust
- York Centre for Voluntary Service
- York College
- York Garrison
- York St John University
- York Minster
City Partnership contact details
Joe Penny, Strategic Partnerships Manager
West Offices
Station Rise
York Climate Commission
York Climate Commission is an independent body, representing and reflecting the public, private and civic sectors from across the city.
The Commission has an important role in reviewing and agreeing the Climate Change Strategy 2022 to 2032 and providing leadership and accountability for progressing the activity within the strategy and action plan.
View the York Climate Commission terms of reference.
York Climate Commission membership
The Commission comprises representatives from:
- City of York Council - Portfolio Holder, Head of Carbon Reduction
- First Bus York
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Nestlé
- University of York
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Trust
- York Minster
York Climate Commission contact details
Shaun Gibbons, Head of Carbon Reduction
West Offices
Station Rise
York Economic Partnership
To support the development and implementation of a delivery plan, an Economic Partnership Board has been created to influence and guide progress against the targets set. The partnership represents a broad spectrum of sectors and organisations, and draws on the collective expertise of our city.
Our economic evidence base has complemented this consultation work, giving us a solid understanding of the York economy around which to build a strategy.
The York Economic Partnership Terms of Reference were approved by City of York Council Executive in November 2022.
York Economic Partnership membership
The Partnership comprises representatives from:
- Aviva
- Chambers of Commerce
- City of York Council (Portfolio Holder and Economic Development Team)
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Galtres Lodge
- Helmsley Group
- Hospitality Association
- Indie York
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Make It York
- Middletons Hotel
- Netsells
- Portakabin
- Tang Hall
- Trades Union Congress (TUC)
- University of York
- York BID
- York Theatre Royal
York Economic Partnership contact details
Simon Brereton, Head of Economic Growth
West Offices
Station Rise
York Health and Care Partnership
The York Health and Care Partnership works to reduce health inequalities and increase healthy years lived for people in York, by working together to address the determinants of health.
The Partnership wants to improve the lives lived by York citizens by providing the right support at the right time, to ensure everyone can have a happy and healthy life in York.
Active York
York’s sport and active leisure partnership, Active York, is led by a nominated board of people who represent community sport and also sport professionals from higher education, professional clubs, health, school sports and City of York Council.
Quality Bus Partnership
The Quality Bus Partnership work to bring together stakeholders in York’s public transport service, with a view to providing the best quality of bus services and facilities that can be achieved with the resources available to the partners.
The intention is to prioritise and co-ordinate improvements consistent with the council’s Bus Strategy, contained in the Local Transport Plan, to share best practice in service delivery, to pool and concentrate resources where possible for maximum effect, and to identify potential for future development of the public transport network.
York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership
The York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership is a partnership of local authorities, emergency services and other North Yorkshire agencies working together to educate, inform and train, with the aim of lowering the number of road casualties across the county of North Yorkshire.
Safer York Partnership
The Safer York Partnership works in partnership to reduce crime and the fear of crime, creating a safer environment in York to improve quality of life for everyone in York.